Atani allows you to optimize your entries and exits with different types of advanced orders.
Limit Order
A limit order is one of the most basic types of trading orders available on Atani. Its purpose is to allow you to set a buy or sell price for an asset so that when the price reaches that point, the configured buy or sell order is executed. This gives the trader control over the price at which they want to participate in the market.
Market Order
A market order is another basic order supported by Atani. It allows the trader to quickly buy or sell assets at the current market price at the moment the order is executed. In this order, the price is determined directly by the exchange based on the asset's market liquidity, supply, and demand.
Stop Loss Limit
A stop loss limit order combines the advantages of stop loss and limit orders into a single trading order. It involves setting a stop price as a trigger to activate an attached limit order. The limit order is then executed at the price specified by the trader.
Stop Loss Market
Stop loss market orders are a derivative of stop loss limit orders. They operate similarly, with the difference being that a stop loss market order is executed immediately at the market price of the chosen asset when the stop order is triggered.
Take Profit Limit
A take profit limit order allows the trader to set a target profit price. Once this price is reached, a limit order is activated to buy or sell assets and maximize the profit obtained.
Take Profit Market
A take profit market order allows the trader to buy or sell assets at a target profit price. It activates a market order that executes the trade immediately at the current market price of the token. Unlike the take profit limit order, the market order is executed immediately.
OCO Order
An OCO Order, also known as One Cancels the Other, is a conditional order that allows the trader to place two trading orders at the same time. The purpose of this order is to provide greater flexibility for trading in highly volatile market conditions and minimize losses. With an OCO Order, if one order is executed, the other is automatically canceled. It involves the creation of a limit order and a stop limit order, with the activation of one order canceling the other.